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Permanent Eyebrows Shaping - $495


Artistry Of Permanent Makeup San Diego offers Permanent Eyebrows EnhancementPermanent eyebrow shaping should be done before applying foundation, concealer and powder to the face.

Defining your eyebrows before applying eye makeup, cheek color, or lipstick makes a big difference in the overall balance you are trying to create.

Makeup artists consider eyebrows and eyebrow shaping one of the most important facial features because properly shaped eyebrows frame the eyes and bring them out more, make them look bigger and give the face a more polished look.

Even if you have no eyebrow hair at all (or even sparse hair), our permanent eyebrows shaping will produce amazing results, normalize your lifestyle, and create alluring eyebrows that will brighten your face.

In Deanna's hands, your permanent eyebrow shaping will look very natural and much more youthful. See our gallery for just a few examples of just how great they can look!

Call Deanna at 858-361-9168 or email her to discuss your permanent eyebrows shaping or to book your service.